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Ivy Leagues are handing out millions in fees to hedge fund managers

from Dean Baker

Many of the richest people in the country make their fortune in the financial sector. While it is surely the case that many of the high rollers in the financial sector are hard working and intelligent, these traits are not the key to getting really rich in the modern economy. As has always been the case, nothing can beat being well connected.

The latest tale of the well-connected rich is a study, by Markov Processes International, of the 10-year returns of the endowments of the eight Ivy League schools. The study found that all eight endowments had lower returns than a simple mix of 60 percent stock index funds and 40 percent bonds. In some cases the gap was substantial. Harvard set the mark with its annual returns lagging a simple 60-40 portfolio by more than 3 percentage points.

This dismal track record is a big deal because these endowments invest heavily in what is called “alternative investments,” primarily hedge funds and private equity funds. The people who run these funds often make tens of millions a year, in some cases hundreds of millions a year.

The rationale for these astronomical salaries is supposed to be their ability to produce outsized returns. The partners in these funds claim that they can earn far more for endowments and other investors than simple investment strategies, like buying index funds. 

This analysis shows that high returns have not been the story in the last decade. While the people managing these funds pocketed huge salaries, they had nothing to show for it in terms of performance. In fact, they actually cost the schools money. Harvard, Yale and the rest of this elite set were paying millions of dollars to hedge fund managers who were losing the schools’ money.

Markov’s analysis understates how much the Ivies lost by hiring their hedge fund friends. It used a portfolio of 60 percent stocks, 40 percent bonds as a benchmark. But the hedge funds typically engage in risky investments, comparable to a portfolio that is 80 or even 90 percent stock. Using this as a benchmark, the endowment returns would look considerably worse.

To get a sense of how much is at stake, a standard hedge fund contract pays the fund manager 2 percent of the assets under management every year, plus 20 percent of returns over a target rate. If Harvard’s $40 billion endowment were entirely managed by hedge funds, they would get $800 million in fees, plus 20 percent of the endowment’s earnings over some threshold. If Harvard’s endowment beat its threshold by 5 percentage points (it almost certainly did not), the hedge fund partners would pocket an additional $400 million for a total of $1.2 billion. This is enough to pay annual tuition for more than 2,500 students.

Since the endowment returns actually trailed a simple stock-bond mix, hedge funds presumably did not meet their return thresholds. In this case, in the Harvard 100 percent hedge fund investment scenario, the hedge funds still would have pocketed $800 million. That’s a pretty good paycheck for losing the school billions on its endowment. If the full $136 billion of the 10 Ivies were invested with hedge funds it would mean $2.7 billion annually for hedge funds, even if they didn’t meet investment thresholds.

Unfortunately, the Ivies are not the only institutions that see handing money to high rollers in the financial sector as one of their main functions. State and local pension funds also play this game in a big way. The beneficiaries are more often private equity partners, but the basic story is the same: people who make themselves very rich by playing financial games. And, as with the hedge fund folks and the Ivies, they do not provide the promised returns.

Trying to get the Ivy League schools and the pension funds to focus on maximizing returns instead of giving money to rich financial types will be a tough change to put in place. These people are very well connected.

The hedge fund folks like to give money back to schools. They get buildings named after them and university presidents get to have big ceremonies announcing the donations. And they are all friends. It’s the same story with state and local pension funds, except in that case the private equity partners are big campaign contributors and of course good friends of the people who manage these funds.

A good first step would be requiring disclosure of the terms of contracts. Both the hedge fund folks and private equity crew insist that they need to keep the terms of their contracts secret in order to work their magic.

Universities and pension funds don’t have to accept this nonsense. Let’s put the terms of the contracts, along with year-by-year reporting on returns up on the web. That way everyone can see the magic that the hedge and private funds are able to produce on a timely basis. This seems like a minimal first step.

We have an economy where institutions are structured to give more money to the very rich. While politics constantly focuses on the relatively small change that helps low- and moderate-income people get by, like food stamps and Medicaid, the really big bucks funneled to the very rich go largely unnoticed. It’s time to start paying attention.

See article on original site

  1. Vladimir Masch
    December 19, 2018 at 6:09 pm

    Why dot you post the Skidelsky’s 11/14 column?

    https://www.project-syndicate.org/commentary/compensated-free-trade-allows-p rotectionism-by-robert-skidelsky-2018-11


  2. Benjamin Morgentau
    December 23, 2018 at 11:34 am

    I personally found out how this looks by having to see the ever miserable performance of my pensions here in Switzerland. From a high of about 87’000.- anually, projected far into my life as a pensioner they are now down by a cumulated 32%. All previous agreements, promises and so called guarantees printed on nice paper have been broken with a simple letter. Fully legalised by the typical neoliberal majorities of our age and thus protected by law and the state.
    This is not the end of it yet, while i have absolutely no rights on the money until my retirement age i alone carry the full risk of loss at all times… as do all the other workers forced by law to pay into this without any kind of choice. For me, these schemes worked out by certain lobbyists and fully supported by the conservative neoliberal political fractions are a form of outright criminal behaviour. While the players behind the scenes generate a return of 8% on average for the past years and cash in a 10% fee on all amounts paid into this every single year for managing the almost 900 Billions in the pension funds…
    All this while the state fund works almost without risks, very low fees and guaranteed pensions but no one can survive on this alone. No wonder people are wearing yellow vests and take to the streets

  3. December 30, 2018 at 10:54 am

    Just two comments. First, I hear it said that the Harvard Business School is a good one. If so, what’s been its and its faculty’s reaction to this massive theft from Harvard? As to criminal activity, there seems little doubt that under-the-table deals between hedge fund managers and university presidents is certainly conspiracy to defraud and likely is embezzlement as well.

    Second, one lesson from the French and many subsequent revolutions is that often things change quickly. The general consensus was that the French Revolution was certain to favor better off members of the French middle-class (lawyers, merchants, bankers, property owners generally) who favored limited changes, strict property requirements for voting, and the continued need for a strong central ruler (in the French case, the King). Left out of these plans was the poorest members of the third estate who saw no relief for their starvation and poverty in the plans of the middle-class wealthy. France paid for this conflict with over a year of “The Terror,” in which thousands of “enemies of the Revolution” were guillotined. Hard to say if the US is approaching such a breaking point, but as I said, sometimes things change quickly.

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